
Flipboku – Pioneers: Etienne-Jules Marey – Flipbook

  • Étienne-Jules Marey (1830 – 1904) was a renowned French scientist, physiologist, researcher and chronophotographer. His work was significant in the development of cardiology, physical equipment, aviation, cinematography and the science of laboratory photography. Unlike the motion studies of Eadweard Muybridge, who depicted movement as a series of discrete moments on separate, sequential negatives, Marey’s analyses of motion are characterized by multiple exposures on a single photographic plate. He is widely considered to be a pioneer of photography and an influential precursor of the history of cinema
  • This flip book features 6 of his most famous studies, such as Le Vol du Héron or the “Falling Cat” (1894). You can switch between the different sequences by placing your thumb at the upper, middle or lower edge of each side of the flip book
  • The flip book comes with an Augmented Reality feature, that you can visualize when scanning the front cover with your smartphone or tablet: a 3 minutes mini-documentary about Marey’s life, his background and his most outstanding work. To access the AR content, simply scan the QR code included on the slipcase, install the Artivive App, open it and view the flip book on your screen
  • Printed on 170grm semi matt paper stock

Size (cm): 12 x 5 x 2

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Flipboku - Pioneers: Etienne-Jules Marey - Flipbook
Flipboku - Pioneers: Etienne-Jules Marey - Flipbook
Flipboku - Pioneers: Etienne-Jules Marey - Flipbook
Flipboku - Pioneers: Etienne-Jules Marey - Flipbook
Flipboku - Pioneers: Etienne-Jules Marey - Flipbook
Flipboku - Pioneers: Etienne-Jules Marey - Flipbook

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